It’s been a great run from our first learn-to-curls back in December 2010, but here we go with another season of curling in Missoula.
Last year, we broke the winter season into two sessions. Our goal was to avoid lengthy breaks in play, so people knew their schedule and could play regularly. We asked you all for feedback and we heard overwhelmingly positive things.
So, we are doing it again!
Session One will run from Nov. 2 through Jan. 25. Session Two will go from Feb. 1 through March 28.
One note about the league: Due to changes from Glacier Ice Rink, we will need to pay more for ice time. As a board, we voted to pass less than half of this increase onto the teams. Therefore, this winter season will cost $430 per team, per session.
Teams can register for both sessions, although must declare a first priority. Teams wanting to play in a second session will be entered into a lottery if the 18 teams for that session do not register. Teams will not need to pay until they have been selected in the lottery. We will also be putting together a list of active substitute players for each 9-week session, so if your team is not playing, you may still get called to play.
We are also able to reduce the club dues slightly to an even $70 to cover insurance, membership in USA Curling and other fees. Members are still able to receive a $25 refund for 4 hours of documented volunteer time (be sure to get a board member’s signoff on your time. Those completing the service can get the rebate, or if you do not want the rebate it will go into a special fund to help promote curling.
Team registration is $430, plus each curler will also register as a member for $70. You can also register as an individual for either session. We will contact you about joining a team looking for a new member or creating a new team. You will not be charged until your team is assigned. If you have someone that wants to sponsor your team, let them know that we are a 501 C (3) non-profit and that sponsor fee will be tax deductible.
League Fee: This year we are asking for $430.00 per team to cover ice time. Each member of your team must also be a Club member and that is $70 per person to cover Missoula Curling Club membership and insurance premiums.
Registration: We strongly encourage teams to register via the Missoula Curling Club website ( and pay the fee via PayPal. However, you can fill out the above forms and then print out and mail your invoice to Missoula Curling Club, P.O. Box 5523, Missoula, MT 59806.
Please email [email protected] or rkeane -at- if you have any questions.
Where: Glacier Ice Rink outdoor Rink, Missoula County Fairgrounds
Who: Everyone is invited to participate. All skill levels/age/genders play together.
Disclaimer: Space is limited so teams will form on a first-come, first-serve basis based on when we receive the registration payment and form.
Refund Policy: Team fees are non–refundable and non-‐transferable after October 8, 2019.